About Us

The objects of the Charity are (in each case for the benefit of the public):

  • to enhance the education (including physical and social training) of children and young people, in particular (although not exclusively) in rugby union football;
  • to promote community participation in healthy recreation and physical activity by facilitating the playing of rugby union football at an amateur level;
  • to provide opportunities for advancement in life and relieve children and young people in need due to financial hardship, family circumstances or other social or economic disadvantage;
  • to promote social inclusion (including providing equal opportunities and eliminating discrimination) of children and young people who are otherwise socially excluded from society, or part of society, as a result of being a member of a socially and/or economically deprived community;
  • to promote the social inclusion of other members of any socially and/or economically deprived community of which such children or young people are members;
  • In particular (but not limited to) those resident in Leicestershire (but without limitation) by:
  • providing and enabling access to education, in particular (although not exclusively) in rugby union football, through the
  • provision of means-tested bursaries or other financial assistance;
  • promoting participation in rugby union football and arranging for children and young people to attend, or assisting them to attend, any educational establishment or such other institution or sponsoring or paying fees in connection with the
  • provision of training, coaching or any specialist teaching in rugby union football;
  • providing financial assistance to allow for the purchase of sports equipment for the use and benefit of the local community.

For the avoidance of doubt, the expression ‘young people’ in these objects means any individual under the age of 21 years.